Another Harvest Dinner is in the books! By all accounts it was a tremendous success, which is a testament to the hard work of many, many people. Community support came in a variety of forms, from volunteers to donors to dinner guests. LCHS is grateful for each and every individual that made this year’s largest fundraising event possible.
Here is a brief recap of highlights from Harvest Dinner 2013.
Dozens of volunteers came out Saturday night to set up tables, chairs, decorations, the silent auction and store. With the help of members from UI fraternities FarmHouse and FIJI, board members and friends of the organization hauled 41 tables and 200 chairs from the university to the Moscow Middle School Fieldhouse.
By 9:00 am Sunday morning volunteers were busy preparing lunch and putting the finishing touches on tables.
More than 40 delicious desserts were donated by some of the best bakers we know.
Hundreds of Harvest Dinner tickets were purchased, with many more donated to the local food bank. Approximately 300 guests joined us for lunch, good company, and a great time.

5. Four local families and businesses supported our event by sponsoring tables.

6. Everyone enjoyed the musical entertainment provided by Steve Penoncello on the accordion, barbershop quartet Four Names in a Hat, and Ardin Skoglund on the keyboard.

7. Under the supervision of four hard-working board members, Joann, Lynne, Vicki, and Jan, our silent auction brought in more donations than ever. The auction benefited from some wonderful and generous donations from local businesses, organizations, and individuals.

8. Lynne and another member Jody also put together a beautiful display for our gift store.

9. Food was served, table were bussed, and coffee was refilled by members and friends for the duration of the three hour event. Members of two UI Honors Fraternities, Phi Upsilon Omicron and Phi Sigma Pi, were a tremendous help in the kitchen.

10. Guests got a sneak-peak at our newest traveling exhibit, The CCC in Latah County, which will be at the Moscow Public Library in December.

11. Last, and far from least, our esteemed Events Committee put in hundreds of hours of prep work to ensure that the Harvest Dinner ran smoothly and seamlessly.
A final thanks goes to member and McConnell Mansion docent Cathy Loney for sharing her photos with us!